Book Review – The Walking Dead Vol. 19: March to War by Robert Kirkman Et Al

By Manofyesterday

This is the last of the current batch of The Walking Dead reviews from me as I have to save a little before I can splash out on the remaining volumes, but I’m going to do so as soon as possible because March to War leaves things in a precarious position and it acts as prelude to what I’m sure will be an explosive conclusion.

Negan continues to entertain me, although he does some more horrific things here. There were plot twists and mistakes abound in this volume and for the first time it feels like Rick is properly vulnerable. The supporting characters get some good moments to shine, and there’s a nice moment of camaraderie between Ezekiel and Michonne. The relationship between Carl and Rick deepens a bit more as well, which I like, although I’m not a fan of how Andrea is so quick to fly off the handle and then calms down almost immediately. Sometimes it feels like conflict for conflict’s sake.

As always with these comics there are some awesome panels. Big thumbs up from me. I don’t know when it’s going to end but this series is one of the most consistently entertaining and long may it continue.