Book Review – Saga Vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

By Manofyesterday

Saga is the story of Marko and Alana, two soldiers on opposing sides of a galactic war who fall in love and desert their respective armies. Now they are being pursued by said armies, with freelance bounty hunters on their trail. 

I enjoyed Saga vol. 1 immensely and the story has continued in the same vein in this volume. The thing I most like about Saga is that is has very grounded emotions while being utterly bizarre, crazy, nd at times grotesque. With each turn of the page one is never sure what to expect, except that it will either have you roaring with laughter or gasping at the shocking absurdity of it all. The artwork is again amazing too, with beautiful landscapes of varying scenery. Even the grotesque images have something curiously alluring about them. 

In this volume Marko and Alana are joined by (spoilers for the ending of the first volume) Marko’s parents, but are quickly split up, with Marko going off with his mother and Alana left with her father-in-law. I liked the introduction of these two characters and how they interacted with Marko, Alana and Hazel. The other plots with The Will and Prince Robot IV were interesting too, with The Will teaming up with a character whose introduction left me reeling, and I loved where the robot ended up. 

Saga manages to pack a lot into its volumes without it feeling dense. The plot moves swiftly, with characters drifting into each other’s paths, often with surprising results. It’s an incredibly fun read and there’s still a lot of room of this world and these characters to explore. These volumes are page-turners and my only complaint is that they’re over all too quickly. I’m looking forward to seeing where this story, and again I can’t recommend these highly enough. Saga is one of the most enjoyable things I have ever read, long may it continue.