Book Review: My Dear Lavender by Pragya Kureel

By Shivalisingla

Hi! I hope you are doing great. So, I just finished reading this book called My Dear Lavender by Author Pragya Kureel that I received a few days back. I got a review copy from the author. So let’s begin with a few details about the book:

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Author: Pragya Kureel

Format: Paperback

Publisher: Kalamos Literary Services LLP (8 September 2018)

Print Length: 220 pages

Language: English

BOOK BLURB: My Dear Lavender

Janice Lockhart and Brady Mitchell share a forever old romance where they’re all set to be married. But, cards on the table turn for Janice when Brady shots to fame in Hollywood & vanishes on her. The old love is in jeopardy again.

Janice sets out on an enticing journey to find her love only to discover that there are darker truths lying that are better left under the wraps. Will she ever know what happened to Brady? Will the wedding lavender blossom for her or will they forever die?

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BOOK REVIEW: My Dear Lavender

I was really fascinated by the book’s tagline when I picked up to read the book, which says,

What If Someone You Have Known Forever Is Someone You Don’t Know At All.

This tagline completely relates to the story. Before we get into the book details, I would like to talk a little about the title and book cover. If I talk about the book title, I was clueless about the story, plot and the word lavender just gave me a rough idea of the lavender flower which is the main part of the book cover design. But the blurb does its job pretty well by providing more details about the story, plot and of course the lavender.

My Dear Lavender is a story of the childhood lovers Janice Lockhart & Brady Mitchell. The story takes a turn in the very beginning of the book when Brady leaves her to make a career in Hollywood. He doesn’t turn back for the next few years and it’s when Janice sets out on the journey to find him unaware of the facts and darker truths, mysteries in his life that were better kept wrapped.

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This book is more of thrilling than the romance part. I would have liked to read more about their romance story in the beginning to have the sense of depth and understanding that is there in a couple who is in a relationship for more than 10 years. Other than that, the narration is good and language has been easy to understand and to the point. The plot is quite interesting and there hasn’t been a page where I got bored or felt like quit reading the book.

So, it has been a really nice book for me. I highly recommend this book if you love reading thriller romance novels. You won’t be disappointed. And last but not least, don’t forget to read the climax of the book.

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Yes! I highly recommend this book to all of you. Please buy a copy on the link provided above and share it with other people too.

So, I hope the book reviews or the book recommendations on the blog are helpful for you guys. Also, I shall be sharing more. So, stay tuned for that!

Have you read My Dear Lavender ? If yes, then Please let me know in the comments if you liked it or not.

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