Book Review: Life is What You Make It by Preeti Shenoy

By Shivalisingla

I read Life is what you make it by Preeti Shenoy in paperback version a long time back as I was really impressed by the plot. I loved reading it then and thought of reviewing it for you guys. So, here are my thoughts on the book:

Author: Preeti Shenoy

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Srishti Publishers; 1 edition (1 January 2011)

Language: English

BOOK BLURB: Life is what you make it

Life Is What You Make It is based on a love story that has been set in India in the 90s. It has been described by the readers as a book portraying how love, hope, and determination can together win over even the destiny. It is a gripping tale of a few significant years of the protagonist’s life.

The novel revolves around a woman in her 20s, Ankita, who has a past haunting her like a nightmare. As she grows up from adolescence to a woman in her mid-20s, she wades through different situations, engages in affairs with a couple of guys and is set-back by her parents’ refusal to accept her situation. As a result of non-stop upheavals in her life, Ankita develops bipolar disorder at one point in time.

The story revolves around Ankita’s struggles, determination, her decisions and her faith in self. The book beautifully describes how she gets acquainted with her bipolar disorder, how she decides to help her own self and how she battles these situations all by herself. The title of the book in a way describes the central theme of the book but the manner in which Preeti drove home the point through an interesting story, is delightful.

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BOOK REVIEW: Life is what you make it

Reading a love story was never my cup of tea, but accidentally I got hold of this book and its title made me rethink about giving it a read. Life is what you make it by Preeti Shenoy is a simple love story but what one could see is the in-depth meaning engraved into it.

While it took me just two hours to read the 224pages story. What was remarkable was the effect and impact it had on me as a reader. So, the story is about a girl named Ankita Sharma who is portrayed as a good looking smart and attractive girl having lots of boys as friends. The story goes from one city to another and Ankita with all her hard work and determination makes it to her dream of becoming an MBA.

But life has something else in store for her.

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She ends up being a patient in the mental hospital. At this very point is when this mundane love story takes a twist. This is where the title plays its role.  This makes you question your own self and self-beliefs. This very simplistically written novel tells us about the growing up phonomime and it is so deep and inspiring that the after effect makes you ponder over life again and again.

Although as love novel I wouldn’t have recommended it to any reader as an inspirational story I would say it has done more than justice. This novel gives us the way and meaning of life. It motivates us to believe that life is truly and indeed what we make it. For me, it has such a deep impact that have already recommended the book to not one but almost all my friends, and to all reading this I would recommend to interpret it the way it serves us.

For the language and motivation, its a must read from my end.

RATING: 4.8/5


I hope this Book Review has been helpful. I shall be sharing more. Hence, stay tuned!

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Have you read “Life is what you make it by Preeti Shenoy” yet? Do let me know in the comments.

Until then, Happy Reading!

Book Reviewer: NIKITA SINGH, a new age writer who works to build a parallel society for women and artists. She is an English literature graduate with PGDWE and a published author. Other than that, she is a content writer at a startup named ddkablog.