Book Review: How an iPhone Made Me the Youngest Billionaire

By Shivalisingla

Hey, Everyone! I hope you are doing well! So, today we are going to talk about a Book called “How an iPhone made me the Youngest Billionaire?” by Author Kunal Saraff. I got this book as a review copy from the Notionpress. I was excited to read this book because I love using iPhone and this book title has the word iPhone in it and I was like,”I have to read this book.” So, lets get started:

Book Review: How an iPhone made me the Youngest Billionaire

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Paperback: 183 pages

Author:  Kunal Saraff

Publisher: Notion Press; 1 edition (2015)

Language: English

Source: Review copy

Book Synopsis:

How an iPhone made me the Youngest Billionaire is based on a true story where the author incurs many failures in life but believes that failure comes to those who deserve something bigger. He continuously fails in many entrepreneurial ventures but his attitude towards great sayings keeps him going.

Despite not having the best of qualifications, he defies the rule and the common notion that only qualified make it large. Common beliefs of the masses have been challenged at every point. The mention of the business ventures he undertakes while in college and the problems solved by his early philosophical knowledge.

Despite being discouraged by the non-entrepreneurial environment, he dares to rise against the wind. He has done something worth writing and written something worth reading!

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Book Review:

How an iPhone made me the Youngest Billionaire gives you a feeling of reading someone’s personal diary unless the narration changes from protagonist’s point of view. I liked the plot and storytelling by the author. The main thing I loved about the book is that it’s really simple and easy to read and understand  as a new reader because every reference is given with each detail as required.

The characters are very nicely plotted and scripted. This book teaches you to have grit in whatever situation you are. Just keeping the confidence and trust in yourself could make you. I recommend this book to everyone who doesn’t know what to do in life and are lost, and confused forever.

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It teaches you how to tackle certain situation your own way and never giving up attitude, and dedication towards your main goal is everything you can extract from this book. Just as we read biographies to learn about the person and the ways or methodology one had used to reach a level in their lives, this book had it all for me.

The use of quotes and sayings in the book makes it more interesting as per my point of view because I love reading Inspirational writings and quotes. I wish it was a bit more into storytelling than being more of the methodology because there are a few pages that just involve the technical writing which I personally dislike. Overall a nice read!

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Do I recommend?

Yes! I recommend this book to everyone out there. You will thoroughly enjoy reading it if you are looking out for some inspiration or self-help books.



I hope the book reviews or the book recommendations on the blog are being helpful for you guys. I shall be sharing more. So, stay tuned for that!

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About the Author

Mr. K. Saraffis the Founder at The Saviours & Author of How an iPhone Made Me the Youngest Billionaire. He is a graduate from New Delhi. During his college days, he began his work with a publication firm, where he wrote books on BBA. Then, he developed a mobile application for senior citizens to make Internet surfing easier for them.

He moved to Kolkata and opened an NGO for emergency blood donation and mass awareness of the cause. He is an entrepreneur, social worker and an author, all in one.

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