Book Review: DREAM BIG by Dr. Mukesh Jindal

By Shivalisingla

Hi! I hope you are doing great. So, I have recently finished reading this book called “DREAM BIG – Let Your Financial Plan Make Your Dream Come Trueby Dr. Mukesh Jindal” and I really enjoyed reading this book. It’s something you should definitely read if you are starting with your business or you are at the initial stages. Dream big by Mukesh Jindal will definitely help you out.

So, here is my review of Dream Big by Mukesh Jindal:

Author: Dr. Mukesh Jindal

Format: Hardcover

Publisher: TV18 Broadcast Ltd (CNBC TV18); First edition (10 September 2017)

Print Length: 265 pages

Language: English


Thirty-six-year-old Vaibhav, the ever-smiling symbol of new age Indians, started his career as a driver. Today, he is the owner of a flourishing taxi service business and is scouting around to buy a Mercedes Benz…not on a loan but with the wealth, he has amassed over the years!

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How did he get from being a driver to a millionaire? Three simple secrets – he had the courage to dream big, learn about financial planning and implement what he learned. Now, while you don’t need anyone to help you to dream big, here is a book that will teach you everything that Vaibhav learned. All you have to do is find the tenacity to implement it.

Everything, from the importance of saving and investing and the need for life and health insurance to various investment products like mutual funds, SIP, PPF etc. that can enable you to build wealth, is explained in this book in simple and jargon-free language. It helps you to choose instruments that are most suitable for you and explains why you would be better off without others.

Dream Big simplifies and breaks down common financial planning principles such as risk profiling, asset allocation, portfolio construction, rebalancing etc. and explains the tax implications of various investment decisions. It also contains sections on planning for retirement and a legacy, and financial planning for women, divorced individuals, defense employees, senior citizens, etc.

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In a nutshell, the authors, Dr. Mukesh Jindal & Mr. Arunraj VS, have put together a modern-day compendium on personal finance that provides appropriate knowledge and wisdom to anyone who dares to dream big. With this book, like Vaibhav, you too can get into the driver’s seat of your financial life and ride the road to riches.

dream big by mukesh jindal

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Having the courage to dream big, learn about financial planning and implement what we have learned plays a really big role in fulfilling our dreams. This book basically has easy to grasp financial planning learnings with all the necessary steps mentioned and investment strategies ranging from Mutual Funds to fixed deposits.

The book cover looks perfect and relatable to the title of the book. It was something that attracted me towards it and I had to read the book blurb afterward so I could decide that if I could give this book a chance or not. I am not used to reading such kinda books, but since I have read a few books on business before, I had to give this a shot for sure. It’s written in a very simple language and has easy to understand details about every topic that’s been explained in it.

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I love reading inspirational articles and books, and this book starts with an inspirational story which made me turn pages upon pages. Overall, I found it a good read. if you are a beginner and are looking for business books then do give this book a try. Other than all of the above, this book also has sections on planning for retirement and a legacy which is a must read for everyone out there in the business world.

Also, this book explains the following in an easy to learn, jargon-free and understandable manner:  Mutual Funds, SIP, PPF,  Risk Profiling, Asset Allocation, Portfolio construction, Rebalancing and more. This book does provide required knowledge and wisdom to anyone who dares to dream big and there is no doubt about that.

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Yes! I definitely recommend “Dream Big by Mukesh Jindal” to you if you are a beginner in the business world.


So, I hope the book reviews or the book recommendations on the blog are helpful for you guys. Also, I shall be sharing more. So, stay tuned for that!

Have you read DREAM BIG – Let Your Financial Plan Make Your Dream Come Trueby Dr. Mukesh Jindal ? If yes, then Please let me know in the comments if you liked it or not.

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About The Author:

Dr. Mukesh Jindal is Masters in Finance, CFA Charter and Ph.D. from Delhi University with Vast Experience in Field of Investment and Finance. Know more about the author here…

Note: “This Book Review/Interview is a part of The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program and Book Promotions” to know more log on to”