Book Review: Behind The Darkness by Mousumi Bhattacharjee

By Shivalisingla

Hi, I hope you are doing well. Thanks a lot, Write India Team for sending this book called “Behind The Darkness by Mousumi Bhattacharjee.” I really loved reading it. So let’s begin with a few details about the book:

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Author: Mousumi Bhattacharjee

Format: Paperback

Publisher: Write India Publishers; First edition (1 October 2016)

Print Length: 112 pages

Language: English

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BOOK BLURB: Behind The Darkness

 Behind The Darkness by Mousumi Bhattacharjee

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BOOK REVIEW: Behind The Darkness

I read this book in again less than 2 hours. It gripped me like anything. This book is basically a collection of short stories about Women in the Indian context. The author talks about some serious issues in the book. The darkness about which the author talks about is nothing, but the darkness in women’s lives because of many reasons like depression, domestic responsibilities, emotional sufferings, marital problems, frustration towards society etc.

This book is well written by the author. The narration is clear and the language is easy to understand the character’s complex emotions and situations. It helps the reader get absorbed and not get bored. I did find the book cover attractive, relatable and well designed.

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The stories in this entire book are completely based on day-to-day issues faced by women till this date, especially in India. It’s a must-read for all women. Each short story in this book is thought-provoking. The stories touched my heart and I could literally sense the pain women go through. Every single person should read this book.

Men should read this book to realize the importance of women in their lives and society. Women should read this book to understand other women and to support them in their hard times.

After reading this book, I definitely want to read more book written by the author. I highly encourage the author to keep on writing such stories because we need stories that demand a change for the good of society in whole.

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Yes! I highly recommend this book to all of you. Please buy a copy and share it with other people too.


Born in 1963, Mousumi grew up as a loving daughter of a well-educated family, in naturally beautiful Tripura. Mousumi graduated in pure science from the Calcutta University and joined as a science teacher in the School Education Department.  By this time she got married and accompanied her husband to a remote construction project site.

What she observed and felt in this remote natural environment, are later reflected well in her writings. Passion for English Literature motivated her to continue with studies. Though mired by daily family chores, she acquired, one after another, B.Ed., M.A, and M.Phil. in English Literature.

So, I hope the book reviews or the book recommendations on the blog are helpful for you guys. Also, I shall be sharing more. So, stay tuned for that!

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