Bonne Année Et Bonne Santé

By Reporterandgirl @reporterandgirl

Happy 2015!

Or, as we say in my house — “Bonne Année et Bonne Santé” which means “Good Year and Good Health”.  In the Haitian culture, New Years is big, and if you have any Haitian friends, you may have heard them whispering about “Soup Joumu” this past week. Pictured above, this is the soup that was mandated to be eaten by every Haitian on the Independence Day of the Republic of Haiti on January 1st, 1804.

And the tradition still continues, as every year we eat soup joumu in our home, and the homes of relatives and friends; as well as we give away candy to children and exchange gifts too. So our culture rings in every new year celebrating a historical momentum of being the first free Black nation and the prosperity and hope for the future.

This year, I am looking forward to some big changes, changes that only I can make happen. And instead of making resolutions, I realized that sometimes I do not keep those goals because I do not have the right mindset. Thus, I have acquired some affirmations to help me think more positively and ambitiously about my future.

The only way to get ahead in life, is by starting.

So  this year for one of my major goals— working abroad preferably in the U.K., I’m going to start by updating my CV and reaching out to recruiting agencies. I also reached out to some expats living here so I can network and get some advice. Its not big but steps in the right direction, are better than living a fantasy.

The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year, but rather that we should have a new soul.

Definitely some more spiritual and emotional growth for the New Year. Having a better sense of self, will help me get to where I’m going. Without that, I could get lost easily. So as a person, I’m thinking of my weaknesses that need fixin’ and what traits stand out that make me a real asset.

Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day.

OK, so I need to stop being a clam or a hermit. Because the only way I can make it out there, is by getting out there and seizing more opportunities. On Tuesday, I helped a cousin move a bedroom set to his friend’s place. And  as a gesture, his friend introduced me to deer sausage. Now I’m totally ready to go and shoot my own deer and smoke it. Thus, I think I found a new hobby, but that would never replace blogging with you folks, of course!

Last year, I was very job-oriented, as I was starting a new job in a new industry and really wanted to excel. So I focused– and put a lot of time and energy into my new job. I may have forgotten to take a bird’s eye view of life in 2014 and where I wanted to be. So hopefully, these affirmations will put me back on the right track and out of the rut.

So do you have any aspirations for 2015?

Tweet them to me @ReporterandGirl or on Facebook — TheReporterandTheGirl