Boiled Peanuts

By Veronica46

This crazy weather has got me out of whack.

Guess what I found in the grocery store the other day?

You guessed it, green peanuts.

Well, they are not actually green.

What I mean is unprocessed raw peanuts.

You know the kind that are not roasted.

In the south we call them green.

They are perfect for boiling.

We usually enjoy them watching college football.

In the fall.

I know, I know,  it is no where near the fall.

My guess is that the peanuts produced early because of the weather.

That’s the only reason I know that the grocery store would have them so early.

It is the same thing with our strawberries.

Anyway, I like to boil my peanuts with some Creole Seasoning.

I like mine with a little kick to them.

I used Tony Chachere’s.

You can use what ever brand you like,

or omit it all together.

Either way, enjoy!

Print Recipe

Boiled Peanuts


2 pounds green peanuts in their shell
4 cups of water
2 tablespoons kosher salt
3 tablespoons Creole Seasoning (optional)


Rinse peanuts well to get any dirt or debris off of them.
Soak your peanuts overnight in fresh clean water.
They will try to float to the top. Use a plate to weigh them down in the water.
Drain your peanuts and add to your slow cooker.
Add water and seasonings.
Cook on high 5-7 hours, or until peanuts are soft.

Squeeze them out of their soft shells and enjoy!
Peace be with you,