Body Shop Body Butters - Cherry & Coconut

By Georginacallen @georginacallen

Cherry 50ml £2 Body Shop Coconut 50ml (as part of this gift set £6.50)
I love the Bodyshop body butters and I love all the scents I've ever tried including Cranberry, Raspberry, Almond, Mango, and Papaya. But these two are definitely my favourites. I adore pretty much everything that smells of coconut especially hair and body products so the natural coconut scent of the Body Shop body butter has always been my number one favorite. I also love all things scented like cherry but find it is often too sweet and artificial in most products. However this body butter smells deliciously natural and is one of my favourites over summer. They are both super creamy and nourishing and I love the 50ml size as they are prefect to fit on my dresser or in my handbag. I've loved having these back in my life and it's reminded me how much I love the body shop scents. A lot of them are half price at the moment over on the body shop website at the moment so I highly recommend a visit if your a fan!
Are there any scents I haven't tried that you love? Please do let me know I feel another body shop spending spree coming on.