Body Image Power: Get in Touch With Your Passions

By Pamelabrowncoaching @coach_pam_brown

What are you letting your body image stop you from doing?  Stepping into leadership positions?  Speaking out in meetings?

One thing I’ve learned to do that have helped me improve my body image is getting in touch with my core power. 

Getting in touch with your core power is the ultimate method of self-acceptance there is.

In order to accept your body, you have to be able to accept yourself.  So what is core power?

Core Power Essentials

Your core power is your uniqueness; it’s who you truly are.  Your core power are the parts of you that make you signficant, valuable, and worthy.  These qualities are with you for life and never really change.  They are the reason why people are intrigued by you; these qualities are the reason you matter.

So, what makes up the core power that is you?

  1. What you love to do
  2. The unique ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving and what you are great at doing (talents, personality, and strengths)
  3. Your deepest values
  4. The environments where you are able to fully express yourself
  5. Legacy you want to leave
  6. Claiming your power story

Today, we will focus on the first point: what you love to do.

What do you love to do?

What lights my fire?  I love to motivate others to believe in themselves, persevere, and to succeed; I love to help people find and develop their “want power” versus their “should power”.  I love inspiring the desire to learn in others.  I love the idea of doing big things to change the social confidence of body image and empowerment.  I love encouraging self-acceptance and the development of positive self-concepts, which is the ultimate motivation behind all behavior.

I love to laugh and have fun, and make others feel better about life and themselves through humor.  I love to use my wisdom to help others overcome challenging situations and find confidence.  I love to travel; I am especially fond of beaches and mountainous areas.  I love to color and paint.  I love listening to love songs.  I love expressing my sexuality.  I love to love and be loved.  I love attention

What do you love to do?  What brings you passion and joy?  Feel free to leave comments below!

And stay tuned for the next post, “Use your strengths and talents to increase happiness, success, and confidence”.