Body Confidence Breakthrough: Gaining a Deeper Insight Into Your Body Image History

By Pamelabrowncoaching @coach_pam_brown

"The way you imagine a body is the foundation for how it responds physiologically. It determines the relationship to the food we eat, and the kind of body we create." Marc David

What type of body have you created with your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs? How do you relate to your body? Does your attitude towards your body lead to healthy life choices or unhealthy ones that don't serve you well in the long run?

In the previous post, you became aware of your past body image stories from 0-9 years, 10-20 years, and 20 years and beyond. Hopefully by now, it's becoming clear how much your past body image stories have created your current body.

Today, you are going to take the stories you wrote in the previous post and dig a little deeper into the emotions, beliefs, and thoughts you experienced in those situations.

On the Road to Healing and Renewal

Have you begun keeping a journal? If not, then start today because you are going to need it J

For each period of your life (i.e., 0-9 years, 10-20 years...), write your deepest thoughts, beliefs, and emotions from those experiences you identified in the previous post. Don't hold back; re-live the experiences again so that you can understand what happened.

While you are writing, notice how those experiences connect to other feelings you experience in different situations.

For example, let's say when you were 9 years old, you were bullied and shamed because you were maturing faster than the other children. When is another time in your life, past or present, that someone or something made you feel the same way?

Believe it or not, when we don't release negative emotions from the past, they have a way of showing up in your future time and time again. In order to heal, you must identity those emotions so that you can release them. Acceptance becomes much easier.

Keep these personal experiences in your journal so that you can reflect upon your stories and notice when progress happens.

What's next?

Today you learned how to dig a little deeper into your personal body image stories so that you can gain more clarity in how they have affected your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs about yourself and your body.

You also learned how to recognize those feelings when they show themselves in other life experiences. It's important to be aware of when these feelings show up so that you can own them, release them, and heal your negative personal body image.

In the next post, you will learn a simple exercise that will help you to accept your body, regardless of shape and size.

Have you experienced any insights so far? Feel free to leave comments in the area below!

About the author

Pamela Brown, The Body Confidence Breakthrough Queen, helps women who are at war with their bodies to build the confidence to create and maintain a healthy body, and take charge of their life. For more strategies and tips on building a positive body image, visit her site at

