Body Builder: Hair Vitality Complex Aids Sparse Tresses

By Beautyblogger @crowscupcell

photo source: WeHeartIt 

Let’s be brutally honest. Thinning tresses are, well, not particularly desirable. And let’s face it, we gals are pretty obsessive when it comes to our hair – from shampoos that promise to thicken our locks to mousses that provide major volume to serums that promote major shine. We want our manes to be thick and healthy. Unfortunately for some of us as we get older, we experience limp, lifeless locks that shed faster than a Persian cat’s.

Now, if you follow this blog regularly, you know I’m a sucker for cutting-edge beauty goods and product-firsts that change the game in their space. My newest game-changer discovery? Hair Vitality Complex.

Hair Vitality Complex was tested over several weeks by 125 folks and more than 70% of testers said that it was highly effective at improving their hair’s appearance and texture, and enhanced their hair’s natural growth cycles, making it appear thicker and fuller. This hair-plumping serum, created by founder Marta Wohrle of, is the first product designed specifically for healthy hair growth and anti-thinning. So, if you’re worried about constant shedding (or thinning) hair that’s lost its vitality, or you simply want to be proactive against future thinning, here’s a snapshot of the complex:

Product 411: Two words: copper peptides. Copper peptides exist naturally in our tissues but unfortunately decrease by 60% between the ages of 20 and 60. Why are these peptides important? They work on hair follicles in two ways: by increasing follicle cell proliferation and follicle size, and decreasing programmed follicle cell death.  The proprietary copper peptide complex is the magic behind the serum’s effectiveness. The serum is $49 per bottle and should last two – three months.

Why it’s worthy: If you’ve noticed your tresses seem a lot sparser lately, or you simply want to be proactive in maintaining thick, healthy hair, Hair Vitality Complex is a smart and proactive solution. Hey, we spend gobs of time and money on our skincare products. Don’t our locks deserve the same TLC?

Snapshot of ingredients: Reverse osmosis water, copper peptide complex (water, glycine, L-histidine, L-lysine, L-serine, L-citrulline, copper chloride), hydroxyethylcellulose, vitamin B5, Leucidal (radish root ferment), triethanolamine NF (DEA free)

You can get this locks-building complex directly from or via

So if you’re in need of some major hair vigor turn your frail follicles into strong strands, hair enthusiasts, and kiss thinning tresses good-bye! Now the only hair-shedding you’ll have to worry about is your pet’s…

Crows’ Feet, Cupcakes, and Cellulite does not accept compensation for any product reviews. Samples may have been provided. Opinions are the author’s own.