Blushing Blusher

By Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink
Hellooo Shimmers,
This is the Blusher that I love... at the moment...I seem to go through phases!! It is a gorgeous corally red color which has a shine to it but its not glittery. It is a Collection 2000 Blush and I have it in no.02 Bashful. But as I said I go through phases of Rimmel London, No.7, I think I have tried one from most drugstore brands. I seem to be asked why people wear blusher? It is an odd question too answer because I'm not really sure...It helps to give your cheeks some color and a bit of glow to make your skin healthy I suppose...I don't know I guess that's why I wear it? What do  you think? I love this blusher because it is easy to apply and isn't to stand out clown cheeks here I come... its subtle but gives your cheeks that bit of color.