Blood, Sweat, And Steel: My Afternoon With The Ace Of Swords

By Gerard @presurfer
image credit: Editor at Large cc
Collectors Weekly published an article about ancient swords. The main interviewee is a guy named Francis Boyd, who is a sword maker, restoration expert, and teacher of this ancient art.
When I got this sword, it was completely covered in blood rust. Sword maker Francis Boyd is showing me yet another weapon pulled from yet another safe in the heavily fortified workshop behind his northern California home.
You can tell it's blood, he says matter-of-factly, because ordinary rust turns the grinding water brown. If it's blood rust it bleeds, it looks like blood in the water. Even 2,000 years old, it bleeds. And it smells like a steak cooking, like cooked meat. I've encountered this before with Japanese swords from World War II. If there's blood on the sword and you start polishing it, the sword bleeds. It comes with the territory.