Today I'm talking about my DIY Christmas Eve Boxes which are ideal for either children OR adults! I see a lot of Christmas Eve Boxes for kids but not so many for adults, so thought this would be a great idea to make Christmas a little bit extra special.
So, this post is being done in collaboration with my blogging buddies! Over the past year or so, a group of us have become really close (HOLLA AT THE ARCHIE GIRLS!) - our whatsapp group chat is the ultimate goals group chat. From unintentional innuendo's to emotional breakdowns, we've been through a lot together, making these girls true friends. We're all posting something different on our blogs today and would love it if you could go and check out each of the posts if you get a chance!? All links will be at the end of this post.
Back to the Christmas Eve boxes...
As much as I assemble these boxes and fill them full of things myself, I do buy the actual boxes separately. I bought these boxes on Ebay. They cost £2.49 each and the price includes delivery. I actually bought a few little bits and pieces from Ebay to help me fill the box too, so I'll list everything as I go.
Once the box is assembled, it's time to get thinking about what to put in the boxes!
I bought some Christmassy sweet cone bags from ebay - these ones were great from ebay - I've bought a few packs of sweets from Poundland, including mini haribo and candy canes, which I've placed in the bags and tied with some ribbon I had left over from last years presents.
Whilst I was searching through ebay, I came across these Christmassy Cushion Covers on ebay which were £2.48 each with free delivery. I have some old cushions at home that I don't use so I'm using those to fill the new covers.
As the people I'm buying for are all adults, everyone was given a festive travel mug, a sachet of Options Hot Chocolate (these were 4 for £1 in tesco) and a mini bottle of alcohol to add to it.
I went to Primark and bought two multipacks of socks - one for women, one for men. I seperated all of the pairs and tied each pair with a ribbon and placed a pair in each box.
To top it all off, I headed to Hallmark in Gretna and they had the Yankee Candle Votives down to £1 each, so I bought a few - all with seasonal scents - and added one into each box.
To finish off, I put together a 'Christmas Eve Survival Kit' which is basically a glorified sandwich bag with a fancy label on it. Inside the bag are a few things we always end up needing on Christmas Eve. a vitamin drink, a roll of sellotape, A spool of ribbon, cheap headphones, A galaxy bar, Christmas Earrings (or badge for men!), a trolley token (yes, really!) and AA Batteries.
I'm SO excited to give these to my family on Christmas Eve! I'm planning on getting up super early and putting these outside everyone's bedroom doors for when they wake up. Just call me Mrs Claus!
Now that I've showed you my DIY Christmas Eve Boxes, it's time to show you what my beautiful buddies have got on their blogs today!
For Lauren's Christmas peppermint bark recipe. For Giana's 10 ways to get into the holiday spirit For Debra-Bow's tips on planning a christmas party. For Sian's Christmas on a student budget. For Tania's Christmas as a family. For Chloe's winter beauty essentials For Lucy's winter skincare routine. For Emma's Christmas drinks selection.
H x