March's blog is another new blog for me...and some young blood! I am loving this!!!
Just the other day Panda posted a recipe for Banana Chocolate Protein Muffins. I love that she bakes like me by mixing things up and then provides a recipe saying, hey, mix things up yourself too! After all, isn't that what makes life so much fun? And yes, if I do break down and make these muffins I will be mixing it up to remove the whey protein and putting in my non-dairy version! Thing is, with a little one in the house, she will want the muffins and I don't want her eating protein powders. There is no need...which means, I would have to make two different batches of muffins. It isn't the first time I have done this...and it won't be the last! Feel free to hop on over and say HI to Panda and let her know Life as a Running Mom sent you. And by the way, she currently has a giveaway for a $25 gift card to Target going on! Just saying.....
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful to have a bathroom sink that drains properly again.Daily Affirmation: I am getting stronger and faster through yoga!