- Sarah from Life in a Break Down
- Bex from Futures
- Livi from Beaumaquillagex
- Louise from Confessions of a Secret Shopper
- Donah from Sweet Jelly Bean
I would love it if you would tweet, share on facebook or place our button on your blog, the more sharing we can get happening the bigger this hop can become!
<div align="center"><a rel="nofollow" href=" http://www.lifeinabreakdown.com/tag/i-love-my-post/" title="Life in a Break Down"><img src="http://imageshack.us/a/img268/1971/ilovemypostnew.jpg" alt="Life in a Break Down" style="border:none;" /></a></div>This week's Featured Blog is: Vintage Zest
If you have been featured grab our button!
<div align="center"><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.lifeinabreakdown.com/tag/i-love-my-post/" title="I Love my Post"><img src="http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/6545/featuredb.jpg" alt="I Love my Post" style="border:none;" /></a></div>If you fancy being next week’s featured blogger make sure you follow all the rules give you hosts and co-hosts a follow and Sarah could be calling on you next week to come and feature with us.
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