Despite already having loads of other potatoes on the go, I planted some of these, because I was keen to see for myself whether their blight resistant qualities have been developed at the expense of taste and texture. That was a couple of months ago, so I thought it was time to give an update.
The potato plants have grown quite big now. Here you see them side-by-side. Left to right: Kifli, Shona, Axona.
As expected, the haulm (foliage) is clean and healthy. This is "Kifli".
This is "Shona".
And this is "Axona". This one has fewer leaves, but it has very sturdy stems.
Here is a closer look at the main stem. It has a very odd shape - bulbous and twisted - and it has smaller leaves growing from the main leaf axils.
The main selling-point of these potatoes is their superior disease resistance, and I think this may well be put to the test before long, because the weather is warming up and getting more humid. These are ideal conditions for blight!
A couple of the seed tubers didn't get planted, but I don't think it's too late. Next time I have a container free, I think I'll plant this one. It's certainly well-chitted!