Black People Will Rule Themselves Again

By Pamelabrowncoaching @coach_pam_brown

Hello Sister Queens and Goddess!!!!

I have something very special and empowering for you today đŸ™‚

A year ago, I had a vision that changed my outlook on life as well as the course of my life’s work.  I decided not to share right away until I could fully understand it.

It wasn’t until the release of Black Panther and watching how it is raising the consciousness of black people everywhere that I fully understood what I envisioned in my dream.

As a people, we are in a bounce back phase.  It’s time to reclaim and use our power so that we can build legacies for our children as well as our children’s children.  We must start somewhere, and it begins within YOU.

Listen below, and to get my free audio course, “Reclaim Your Feminine Power”, click here!