Black People & Hair

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Monday, April 17, 2006 at 9:34 AM EDT

I come from a family where quite a few of us along down the line were born with a nice grade of hair that is able to grow continuously. Ever since i was a little girl i had a head full of hair.

During my early twenties i let my hair grow all the way down to my back and i got plenty of what i thought was ridiculous attention. Since i’m a black person some other black people acted as if i wasn’t supposed to have long hair and were jealous because they had to go purchase weaves.

I can’t count how many black people’s eyes use to be glued at the long strands of my hair.

“How did you get your hair so long?” “I wish i had hair like that”. “Oh, she think she’s cute cause she has hair”. One girl even yanked my hair because she didn’t have any, and when i’d keep it pinned up people would ask me to take it down.

And the men were just as worse as the women. They all made me sick!

I have distant family members who told me about the reactions they’d get from others regarding a simple matter such as their hair. Well, i guess it’s a simple matter to us because we don’t have a problem with growing any. And, goodness forbid if we were to cut it!

They cut theirs and people had a fit.

When some saw that my hair wasn’t as long as it use to be some actually gossiped about it. “Oh, it probably fell out” or “It probably was a weave”.

“Now she done cut her hair”- like it was the end of the world or like i had done something terrible. It couldn’t be nothing positive.

That all happened years ago and i’ve decided now to allow my hair to grow long again the way that it use to be if i don’t change my mind. You know, for a different look. It can be tiresome managing long hair that i perm and condition. Shorter hair is less time consuming and much easier to manage.