Bisy, Bisy

By Vickilane

Just don't know if I can stand the pace! After several years when my calendar showed nothing, not even a doctor's appointment for months on end, things have picked up considerable.

We had friends here for lunch on Friday and on Saturday. Catching up after such a long hiatus is wonderful. I recognize that it would be all too easy to slip into total recluse mode--I've already got the look and I've never been especially social anyway. But when I know more about my FB friends than my local friends, well, probably time to get out of my safe zone.
Josie was with me Friday and Saturday afternoons as well as a sleep over Saturday. I had some recent reading to write about, but sleepovers don't leave time for that--there's dinner, bath, and bed. Thus the BISY. BACKSON notice yesterday ( a quote from The House at Pooh Corner--more of my recent reading.)

Amidst all these distractions, I've been able to sit on the porch while Josie does play dough and marvel at the trees as they leaf out so rapidly you can see the change almost hourly. They are magical beings and as our pastures on the mountain continue to turn to forest, I console myself that we are re-wilding and helping the poor besieged planet.