Birthday Supper at Greywalls

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

A few weeks ago it was a certain someone’s birthday which you probably espied on my instagram account?  After our fun evening at Jane Davidson // see post // I woke up and after a little tragic moment (I thought I lost the birthday card, only to be found a week later) we were sitting bathing in the September sunshine opening presents and cards. Now you should all know that I am a birthday and christmas fiend; I just absolutely love them and jump at any occasion to celebrate. Naturally I choose my wrapping paper and cards to match in with one another and it is usually given to the person with a flurry of excitement and smiles. Plus, who doesn’t love opening presents and sipping a glass of something sparkling? My wrapping paper this year was from Paperchase (as it usually always is) and I thought it reminded me a little of the old-fashion brown paper? You can also just see my “make shift” Christian Lacroix birthday card in the background which matches well with the paper and also that little blue box of F&M choccies! I do like to be somewhat organised … minus losing the original card. I ...