BIG NEWS: Changes From Google, Goodbye GFC and Hello Bloglovin!

By Julianne @julianneinjune
So the word around town is that Google is doing away with Google Friend Connect.  That is, the handy Followers Gadget over there on the right on my blog.  I love being able to see the readers of my blog and seeing so many people support my blog has meant so much to me!  So since this will be gone as of July 1st I just wanted to take a moment to send a big thank you to all of you who read and my support my blog!
But don't worry, my blog will still be here and there's a new super easy way to follow along and keep up with new posts! Introducing Bloglovin, a site where you can follow as many blogs as you like whether they are by Blogger or Wordpress!  All of your blogs will be in one place and you can even organize them into categories if you like!

So, to keep up with Julianne in June all you have to do is click the link below and then click the big blue follow button! Here's the link!
(If you don't already have a Bloglovin account it will ask you to sign up to follow blogs.  Don't worry though it's completely safe and completely free!  It's basically just a different form of Google Reader.)

Thank you again to all of you wonderful readers and I hope you will all hop over to Bloglovin and continue supporting my blog!
xx Julianne