Big News, Big Quads and Big Guns

By Mpiccolo

Just a few weeks into 2014 and it’s already starting off with some big news:

I’m one of just a few selected bloggers chosen to submit posts to IFBB Pro Physique Competitor Roxie Beckles website: Muscle is the New Sexy.  This is a great opportunity for me and I’m thrilled to be a part of Roxie’s world. Give her site a look, it’s a wonderful community for females who lift and want to know more about the science of metabolism, workouts appropriate for your level, and nutrition tips too.  It’s helpful for women of ALL fitness levels, not just competitors.

Progress news for me – I’m gettin bigger-  And yes, I blogged about this recently but in my quest to put more muscle on this bod, I love to report the progress because I think it’s important for my readers to see how long this process (yes, that darn P word) takes.

120lbs and feeling AWESOME!

As distressing as it can be to see the scale go up and up, especially when I was in a deficit for so long with my calories, it’s actually really exciting to see the progress and the gains in the mirror.  I try to ignore the scale because, even when your goal is fat loss or muscle gain, it’s all about how you feel when you see those muscles in the mirror and in pictures.  And right now, I feel Damn good!

I’m almost 12 weeks into coaching with Lean Bodies Consulting and although I could quit right now and try things on my own, I have no desire to walk away from this.  Just as my own clients invest in me, I’m investing in my coach and I’m in it for as long as I am able.  It wouldn’t make sense to quit on something that’s working so well.  I even told my coach that my shoulders looks to big to me I feel like I’m a linebacker….and I mean this in a good way! :)

Another reason 2014 is off to a great start:  My clients.  I’m so appreciative of these awesome people who have decided to train with me.  Over the course of the next few months I plan on putting up their progress photos so they can become the next Inspirations.  Be on the lookout for those!

Until next time, Happy Food Prep Day!  (isn’t this what everyone does on Sundays?) :)