#bestfoot Monday Check-in!

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Aloha and Happy Monday!
I used to do my weekly check-in's on a pretty regular basis during peak training but I would fall off track here and there. But fortunately, some lovely gals are good at keeping me at it since I do realize looking at each week critically (in a good way) really lets me see where I am going...honestly. This post will be linked to the #bestfoot link up through Run to the Finish,The Adventures of a Darwinian Fail, and The Sweet Life with Ericka. Trust me, these ladies rock!

Every week when this time rolls around I am always shocked about what day of the week it is. I tend to look back and forth at my calendar a few times as reality sinks in....February is over. March has began and I haven't written one single monthly report. Maybe those will be coming every other month this year. But that is another post. Right now, let's look at last week!

Monday: Oh my! I had to look at this a few times too as I am impressed I managed to pull off a 3.1 mile run and 15 minutes of yoga - Beginner Flexibility - after work and before attending a class with dear hubby. I guess I made up for it in saving time not writing down many notes on Daily Mile. 

Tuesday: I ran 3 miles before work and did 15 minutes of yoga - Beginner Flexibility. A good way to start the day! I then ran another 1.2 miles during a coffee break run at work. I couldn't stop yawning, a co-worker said run around the block, and I did! I still wonder if she really expected me to change clothes and go out and run. Note: be very careful about suggesting a run to a runner!

Wednesday: Woo-hoo! Another pre-work run of 4.8 miles. 2.3 miles were at GMP. This was broken into a mile segment and then a 1.3 mile segment at the end. I followed it up with 15 minutes of yoga - Beginner Strength.

Thursday: I ran 5.44 miles after work and followed it up with 30 minutes of yoga - Beginner Flexibility. I needed this as my body was tight. This week has me stuck at my desk for hours at length with so much data entry to do. You will see the impact of that soon when I show you my Polar Loop data. 

Friday: I ran 4.2 miles and opted to fit in yoga later in the day. I wanted the extra miles this morning. After work it was yoga time. I did a 5 minute class that darling daughter and I created for her and followed it up with a 36 minute class I made called LOVE.

Saturday: I ran 6.32 miles in the morning at the gym while darling daughter rocked the Kids' Club. I ran 1.5 miles at the end at GMP. We were on a very tight schedule but I managed to still squeeze in 15 minutes of yoga - Beginner Relaxation. I felt I needed extra peace of mind to make it through this crazy, hectic day. It was all wonderfully awesome though with an amazing birthday party for a cute 9 year old!

Sunday: Rain, rain go away! I actually had arranged childcare so dear hubby and I could run together and we ended up at the gym - his first time EVER! And his first time to set foot on a treadmill. I ran 7.2 miles and did 800's at 8'00" for five repeats. I even tossed in final 1.2 miles at GMP. I felt amazing! Afterwards I did a mere 15 minutes of yoga to not drive dear hubby too crazy. The class was Beginner Strength. Later in the day darling daughter was going stir crazy being rain locked. I mentioned to her if she needed movement she could get on my treadmill. Later she turned to me and asked if we could do the treadmill so she could get her fitness in and then follow up with yoga. Oh yes we can! She did a 0.32 mile run/walk on the mill and we did some yoga together. 15 minutes of Intermediate Combination followed up by her teaching me some new poses. It was fun!

I ended up with 35 miles this week, down a few from last week. I really hoped to be at 40 but even though I didn't get my long run on Sunday, I worked hard this week. I had lots of good quality runs and was super happy I pulled off five repeats of 800's feeling so good. Sunday marked day 794 of my running streak and day 64 of my yoga streak.

The Polar Loop and I are still hanging out together as well. And no, I haven't got the heart rate monitor yet. I thought about stopping by Sports Authority Saturday but after all the partying, darling daughter and I were just plum tuckered out. We wanted to get home and we didn't get there until 4:30 pm. We left the house at 7:30 am by the way - a long outing day for us!

Here is what my Polar Loop is saying for me this past week:

Click to read details

I am pretty happy with the stats. My home runs still do now show much of an impact as you can see on my Thursday in which I ran a slow 5.44 miles at home but I am okay with that right now. In addition, I have a string of sitting alerts at work, which I understand. I am doing data entry like crazy and multi-tasking...yes, I am listening to online education courses while entering data. My brain is getting a workout!

The only negative I have about this week is my head. I feel "feverish" with burny eyes but have no fever. I think this rain is stirring up something and my head is just not 100% happy. Other than that, I am good to go!

How was your week?

Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for all the movement I got in this week.

Daily Affirmation: My heart is full of love.