Best Tips to Get Rid of Dandruff Using Baking Powder

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Dandruff is a common problem faced by a number of people from all across the world. Getting up in the morning and seeing flakes of dandruff all over your pillow and bed is really infuriating. It is the same with brushing your hair and seeing white flakes falling off. You would love to get some help to stop it all at once.

Dandruff is something that is very difficult to get rid. Even then, it is not impossible. You need proper and regular care to eliminate dandruff. Kitchen remedies usually work best for dandruff.

Are you wondering how does baking powder work for dandruff removal? You would not believe it, but baking soda is actually one of the best remedies for dandruff. It works really well in clarifying your scalp and clearing off all the flakes of dandruff on the scalp. Read on to know how you can treat dandruff with baking soda.

Wash your Hair with baking Soda:

The shampoos found in the market usually contain lots of chemicals. They rip off all the moisture from your scalp and do a lot more harm that actually helping. Shampooing too much using these shampoos will only increase your problem with dandruff. After a few washes, you will find your hair getting frizzy and dry as you use these products regularly. No matter how mild your shampoo claims to be, it does make your hair dry and frizzy if you use it regularly. This is a prominent reason that accelerates hair loss. As such, it is always suggested that you turn to natural products only. They do not increase the loss of hair, and neither do they cause dandruff or hair loss.

You could easily buy some baking soda from a shop nearby. It even costs lesser than the over the counter dandruff shampoos. People who use baking soda for washing their hair are sure to vouch for the product to be safe and healthy. Baking soda has got a high pH level, which acts on the dandruff and controls the itching on your scalp.

How does Baking Soda Work?

Baking soda is very useful in washing off the oil and grease form your hair. It keeps your hair clean and soft at the same time. Baking soda absorbs the oil that is naturally produced on your hair. As such, it acts as a dry shampoo. Using baking soda effectively can actually help you get a healthy and flake free scalp.

People who suffer from over production of oil on the scalp do benefit a lot form baking soda. There are some myths regarding it, that baking soda can increase hair loss. On the contrary, it actually sucks out all the grime and dirt on your hair. People who use hair styling products make use of baking soda to get rid of all the chemicals and substances that are left behind due to them. The excess flakes on your scalp are all cleared off, and your scalp is clarified from dandruff if you use baking soda on a regular basis.

Baking Soda as a Conditioner:

When you are shampooing your hair, you usually get rid of all the grime and oil. While applying conditioner, you actually put back some oil again on to your scalp. Most of the conditioners add artificial oil on to the scalp. This attracts all the dirt around you by acting like a magnet. The conditioners do not actually help in restoring the sebum that is stripped off by the shampoos. It usually causes hair fall.

Baking soda actually removes the excess sebum produced by your scalp, and makes sure your hair does not dry up extensively. Using enough baking soda calms your scalp and makes it produce lesser oil. It controls your hair from being greasy and sticky.

Tips to use Baking Soda:

  1. Take a cup of lukewarm water and add around two or three tablespoons of baking soda to it. Mix them well so that no lumps remain. Apply this paste all over your scalp and massage it gently. Do not let it stay for more than 2 or 3 seconds. Wash it off well.
  2. Baking soda can also be used along with your shampoo. Get a herbal shampoo that is milder on your scalp and hair. Take a small amount of shampoo in your palm and add half a teaspoon of baking soda in to it. Mix both the ingredients well enough. Use the mixture just like your usual shampoo and cleanse your hair with it.
  3. If you intend to use baking soda more regularly, you can make a solution to rinse your hair more often. Make a mixture with some water and baking soda. Keep the mixture in an old shampoo bottle to store it. Since baking soda has got an alkaline nature, your hair may look bad after the first wash. After a few more washes, you will find your hair getting healthier. Moreover, you will also see a drastic reduction in hair fall.
  4. If the high pH of baking soda is a problem for you, you can counter the effects using apple cider vinegar. Take some apple cider vinegar and rinse your hair with it after you use baking soda. Just take a few drops of the vinegar and add it to a mug of water to rinse your hair.
  5. When you use apple cider vinegar and baking soda together, they collectively help a great deal in controlling hair fall. The results will be actually amazing. They do not help in re-growth of hair, but fight against hair fall. They also control related disorders like dryness, oiliness, and dandruff. Once you get these conditions under control, hair fall stops. Your normal hair growth resumes, and you get thicker and healthier hair.
  6. While treating dandruff, one most important thing is patience. None of the cures work like miracle. You need to wait for the results to show up. Keep fighting dandruff till it goes away. Make sure you take good care of your hair to ensure it never comes back again, too.