Best of the Blog: 2013’s Top 5

By Everywhereonce @BWandering

Earlier this week we started counting down our ten most popular posts of the prior year. Today we finish with the year’s best five.

5) The Upside of Travel Planning

We discover yet another way in which the clichéd and seemingly travel-wise advice to “go with the flow” fails us.

4) Pele Puts Out

It’s one of the most awe-inspiring sights we’ve ever seen: molten lava flowing into the Pacific Ocean. From our front-row seats near the edge of a cliff, we watched in wonder as Pele, the volcano goddess of the ancient Hawaiians, performed spectacularly.

3) That Old Black Magic

Yes, of course I measured it.

A Portland confectioner has us under its spell.

2) Are the Childless Selfish

We take a bit of a detour from our regular travel musings to delve deeply into a thorny lifestyle question. Are we selfish for not having children?

1) Why We Won’t Travel to North Korea

2013 witnessed the death of our namesake ambition. We won’t be visiting everywhere once, after all.

We started wondering whether everywhere on earth was really worthy of our tourist dollars in a post titled Rethinking Everywhere. That article received enough of a response to earn a place of its own on this year’s Best of List. But it was soon eclipsed by our deep dive into the ethics of traveling to one place in particular: North Korea.