This past June, Rick McCharles, the editor at Best Hike, traveled to Corsica to take on the GR 20 himself. Earlier this week he started posting his daily trip reports to the Best Hike blog, sharing his experiences on the trail, and from the first few updates, it is clear that he not only enjoyed his journey, but the GR 20 lived up to its reputation.
You'll find Rick's Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 reports by clicking on the links, and if his words don't inspire you to want to try this trail for yourself, then his photos surely well. What he has posted thus far are beautiful, and sometimes scary, images from Corsica that not only demonstrate how difficult this trail can be, but how scenic as well.
I'm going to be totally honest and say that I had never heard of this trail until Rick shared it with me a few days back. Perhaps it is much more well known in Europe, than the world as a whole, but perhaps that also means that it isn't particularly crowded while hiking it either. From what I understand, the length is a big part of the challenge, as much of it is spent at higher altitudes, and even in the summer, the weather can be a bit unpredictable. Yet the payoffs seem like they are well worth it, and for backpackers looking for a new challenge, the GR 20 may be just the thing they need.