Benefits Or Uses of Olive Oil for Face, Skin, Hair and Health

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

You all must have heard about olive oil. It is easily available at any general store. It is one product that is so beneficial for humans. It has been in use since centuries, as a medicine and also as a cosmetic. It has got lots of effects on your skin, hair, and health. A few ways in which you can use olive oil to achieve the benefits are listed below:

Benefits of Olive oil for your Skin and Face:

Avocado+Olive oil Face pack:

Mash some avocados and make a paste with olive oil. Apply this on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash it off to make your skin fresh and rejuvenated.

Dry Skin:

For dry skin, olive oil acts as the best moisturizer.

Extremely dry skin prone areas, like the knees and elbows, are effectively moisturized using olive oil.

Dry and Scaly skin:

Mix olive oil with some sea salt to massage and get rid of dry and scaly skin. You can also add a drop of lavender oil and olive oil in your bath water to moisturize your body and soothe it.

For Repairing Damaged Skin:

Olive oil contains Vitamin E, healthy fats, and also squalene and oleic acids. As such, it can repair skin that is damaged due to the sun. Free radicals are eliminated, and the chances of skin cancer are reduced.

Honey+Egg+Olive oil Face pack:

Make a face pack using a tablespoon of honey, the yolk of an egg, and a tablespoon of olive oil. Blend all these ingredients and make a paste. Apply this over you face and neck after making them clean. Leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes, and then use lukewarm water to wash it off. Your skin becomes clean, moisturized, and gets a natural tone.

Improves Blood Circulation:

Get a good weekly massage with olive oil to increase the blood circulation in your body and moisturize your skin. Use warm oil for this purpose.

Lip Treatment:

Use olive oil instead of your lip balm to treat chapped lips.

Makeup with Olive oil:

Olive is the best and safest makeup remover. You can also use a mixture of olive oil and castor oil for this purpose.

Olive oil as Sun screen:

Mix some tea decoction with olive oil to use as a sunscreen. Leave it on for an hour after applying. Do not wash it off, just rinse.

Smooth and Soft Skin:

Olive oil has the property to keep your skin smooth and soft. It also keeps your skin firm and well tones. This is due to the regenerative power of olive oil over the tissues of the skin. You need to use it regularly to achieve the benefits.

Skin Massage with Olive oil

Mix water and oil in equal quantities in a jar with a tight lid. Shake it well so that they mix well. Use this solution to massage your skin, and then wash off using lukewarm water.

Skin Treatment:

Olive oil increases the elasticity of the skin, and helps get rid of stretch marks. They are prevented from forming, and the existing ones are lightened. Use olive oil as a hot massage for this purpose.

Treating Skin Problems:

Use olive oil to soothe skin irritations and sunburns. It has a regenerative property that heals your skin.

Treating Wrinkles:

Premature aging is controlled by the antioxidants present in olive oil. Wrinkles, sagging, and fine lines are prevented and treated.

Virgin olive oil as night cream:

Use virgin olive oil to apply on your face at night as a night cream. In the morning, your skin becomes soft and supple. This is extremely useful for people with really dry skin.

Benefits of Olive oil for your Hair:

Dry Hair Treatment:

Make a mixture of half a teaspoon of honey and 4 teaspoons of olive oil. Apply this on your hair and wash off after 20 minutes. It treats dry hair.

Damaged hair treatment:

Olive oil treats dry and damaged hair, frizzy hair, and also split ends. Get a hot oil massage with olive oil once a week.

For Conditioning Hair:

Apply a mixture of water and olive oil on your hair after shampooing. Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes and shampoo your hair again. It conditions your hair.

Frizzy Hair treatment:

Before combing, apply some olive oil on your hair. It prevents frizzy hair and makes your hair detangle easily.

To get Shiny Hair:

Mix egg yolk, honey, and olive oil to make a hair mask to repair, nourish, and add shine to your hair. Let it stay for 20 minutes before washing off.

Benefits of Olive Oil for your Health:

  • Add a small amount of olive oil in to your diet. When used with your usual blood pressure control medications, it really helps in reducing the pressure. The extract of olive leaf is also helpful in this case.
  • Olive oil helps in better digestion and absorption of nutrients if you consume it. Use it in place of your normal cooking oil. It is free of cholesterol, carbohydrates, and sodium.
  • Olive oil reduces the cholesterol levels in the body. It improves your metabolism, and aids in weight loss.
  • Oleocanthal is a natural phenolic compound contained in olive oil that is known to help in averting Alzheimer’s disease
  • Olive oil decreases your chances of acquiring breast cancer and colorectal cancer.
  • One tablespoon of olive oil daily can help you lose weight. It helps control obesity, and offers long lasting solutions.
  • The capacity of the body to absorb calcium is increased if you have olive oil. This prevents osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other such bone problems.
  • The antioxidants in olive oil protect your liver and make it healthy.
  • The chemicals in olive oil reduce the level of sugar in your blood. It also acts like insulin for diabetic patients.
  • Ulcerative colitis is a chronic colon disorder, which can be treated if you drink olive oil regularly. You need around 3 to 4 tablespoons of the oil on a regular basis.

So, here were all the benefits of olive oil. It has got a lot of advantages if you use it in the correct manner. Follow these tips and get maximum benefits out of the oil.