Benefits and Uses of Banana Peels for Skin and Health

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Banana is probably one of the most common fruits found in India. It is such a common fruit in every Indian household because of which we don’t really relish it as much. All of us throw away the banana peel while having this wonderful fruit. But have you ever thought what use can this banana peel do for you? Next time before throwing away the banana peel, think twice because it can do wonders for your skin and health.

Banana which we eat is rich in many nutrients and carbohydrates. It is also rich in many vitamins such as vitamin B6, B12, etc, and minerals such as magnesium and potassium. As the banana ripens, the sugar content in it also rises. This is indicated by the blackening of the banana peel. Let us see some of the important benefits of banana peel for skin and health:

Benefits of Banana Peels for Skin:

Fight wrinkles problem:

Wrinkles often damage your looks. As people ages, most of us have to fight with wrinkle problems. Wrinkles occur because the skin gets dehydrated. Keep aside your worries; banana peel can help to keep your skin hydrated and make your skin free from wrinkles. Just mix an egg yolk with mashed banana peel. Apply this mixture on the face and let it be there for about five minutes. Wash away the mixture afterwards. Doing it continuously will help you in making your skin free from wrinkles.

Helps in curing acne and pimple:

Banana peel is highly effective in curing pimple. All you need to do is simply massage the banana peel on your body and face every day for around five minutes. Continue doing this till the acne disappears. Your pimples and acne should disappear within one week.

Protects from harmful UV rays:

Banana peel can protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays. It is also a scientifically proven fact that banana peels can protect your eyes from the risks of cataract. Just keep the banana peel under the sun for some time, and then rub the banana peel on your eyes. This will help in protecting your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun.

Health Benefits of Banana Peels:

Good pain reliever:

Other than being effective for many skin related issues, banana peel is also found to be a good pain reliever. A mixture of vegetable oil and banana peel is highly effective in pain relief. You can also get relief from pain by simply applying the banana peel directly on the painful area. Keep it like that for 30 minutes, and you will experience that your pain gets reduced.

Give you relief from bites by bugs:

Bites from bugs, including mosquitoes is something that we have to live with. Whatever we try to do to avoid it, we still have to face it one time or the other. Banana peel can give you relief from the itching and pain caused by bites by bugs like mosquitoes. All you need to do is to massage the banana peel on the areas bitten by mosquitoes before throwing the peel away.

Helps in giving you sparkling teeth:

Most of us spend a lot of time and money at dentists to whitening our teeth. White sparkling teeth adds beauty to your smile. You can whiten your teeth by simply rubbing the banana peel for one minute, everyday for a week. This will give you sparkling white teeth without whitening your pocket.

Help in preventing warts:

One of the most important uses of banana peel for skin is to remove warts. Banana peel is found to be highly effective in removing warts and also preventing the occurrence of new warts too. All you need to do is simply rub the peel on the affected areas. You can also try tying the banana peel overnight over the affected area to get good results.

It can be made part of your food:

Banana peel is not something that you always need to throw away. It can be made part of your food too.  There are many amazing Indian recipes that use banana peel in it. Believe it no not, they are really tasty and highly recommended. Banana peel can be also used to tender the chicken by simply placing the chicken over it.

It can work as a shoe, leather or silver polish:

Banana peel also has got polishing properties. It can add shine to your shoes, leather or even your silver ornaments and vessels. All you need to do is just polish them with the banana peels. You will see visible results instantly.

Quickly heals psoriasis:

Banana peel is one of the quick heal home remedy for psoriasis. This is because of the moisturization properties of the banana peel. Banana peel is also found to be capable of reducing itchiness. Apply the banana peel on the areas affected by psoriasis and you will see the results in no time.

Tips to use Banana Peel:

All these are enough reasons for you think twice before throwing away the banana peel next time when you have this wonderful fruit. The peel of banana is as much useful as how the fruit is beneficial for our health. Let us see some important tips on how to use the banana peel.

  • Always try to use fresh banana peels. Fresh banana peels can give you better results.
  • Never keep unpeeled banana for long time. Consume both the fruit and its peel as soon as possible.
  • Always make sure to store the banana in a cool, dry place. Also make sure keep it away from heat and sunlight.
  • It is not advisable to store banana in refrigerators. Keep them outside and consume then as fast as possible.
  • Also make sure not to throw the banana peels on the roads or public areas. It is the duty of each and every one of us to keep our surroundings clean. Hence use bins or use the peel for better purposes as mentioned above.