Belated Flat Tour

By Kerysmarie @littleboblab
Hey Guys So, I thought I'd give you a belated look at my new uni flat! I posted a brief look earlier last month but my phone camera didn't do it justice at all. So Here it is, & just a warning that this is a very picture packed post   My Boudoir  

I LOVE the view (with the exception of Tesco - Convenient eye sore) But the hill and rolling skies are beautiful     My bathroom  

    The living room   I'd show you a picture of the kitchen but it's in no fit state to show you at the moment after every ones made their dinner! So instead here's a photo of what our kitchen should look like, taken from my landlords website (Our kitchen is actually black & red though)  
    So I hope you enjoyed the tour! Its definitely not the student living I expected way back in the day before my 1st year, but 3 years on & I'm enjoying the higher end of student accommodation. We even have a dishwasher!!