I haven't been posting much lately because of personal matters taking precedence. After passing the two weeks on being fully vaccinated, we've been catching up on all the medical screenings that we postponed due to the pandemic. Unfortunately some issues have popped up which require further testing which isn't fun but needs to be done.
The recent uptick in hate crimes against Asian Americans has shown no signs of relenting and this has taken a real mental and emotional toll on both mine and my husband's overall wellbeing. As an Asian woman who has lived in NYC my entire life, being on the receiving end of racist and sexist comments are nothing new but the threat of physical assault adds another dimension that renders an overwhelming sense of fear and anxiety that I can't shake and I don't feel like I can even walk around freely anymore. So apart from medical appointments, we're still living like shut-ins. Thank goodness for our terrace. CONTINUE READING ≫