Beginner's Workout Plan

By 1healtheating @WeightTop
By Letonya A Magno
Now, there are two reasons why a person is going to workout - to get fit or to get muscles. This writing is for the first reason. Not so much into bulging biceps but more into health benefits for both sexes. Weight training in particular builds lean muscle tissues and with the muscle mass increasing and fat decreasing, your metabolic rate will also improve.

Exercises to try at home

Standing row (to strengthen your back)

Pass a resistance band around a fixed object at approximately waist height and take hold of one end in each hand.

Keep your arms out in front of you and step back until you feel some tension in the band.

Pull your hands to the sides of your waist, keeping your elbows tucked in. You should feel your shoulder blades squeezing together.

Slowly straighten your arms and return to the starting position.

Overhead triceps extension (for the back of your arms)

Stand holding a resistance band in one hand. Take it over your head so it drops down behind you and stand on the other end with your foot.

Move your hand down until you feel just a little bit of tension in the band (use your other hand to help make the adjustments).

Make sure your neck is relaxed and you are not forcing your head forward.

Your elbow should now be pointing up to the sky. Keeping hold of the band, straighten your arm then slowly bend and return to the starting position.

Beginner's Workout Plan

Using an exercise ball

An exercise ball can be a useful addition and can be used in place of a bench. It also allows you to make some exercises more challenging by introducing an unstable surface.

The small muscles around the joints need to work harder than they do in a stable position, as well as challenging your core stability.

You can also make these exercises harder by holding hand weights. If you find you're too wobbly, rest your toes against a wall for support.

Wall squat (thighs and bum)

Holding weights in each hand, place an exercise ball between you and the wall and lean against it so it's level with your lower back.

Move your feet one step forward, shoulder width apart.

Slowly bend your knees until your thighs are parallel with the floor, allowing the ball to roll up your back. Slowly straighten your legs, pushing through your feet and returning to the starting position.

Chest press

Slowly roll yourself down until your bottom comes off and your back is resting on the ball.

Your feet and knees should be at a right angle. Engage (hold in) your tummy to protect your lower back.

Bend your arms and take your elbows out to the side.

Push up until your hands are over your chest and arms are straight, slowly bend your arms and return to the starting position.

Shoulder press

Sitting upright on the ball, bend and tuck in your elbows and bring your hands level with your shoulders with palms facing away from you.

Push up until your arms are straight, slowly bend your arms and return to the starting position.

Bicep curl

Sitting upright on the ball, put your arms by your sides, palms facing forward, bend your elbows and bring hands level with shoulders. Slowly lower hands back to the starting position.