Become a Top Wedding Planner -5 Tips to Help You Finish What You Start

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

Did you start a wedding planner certification course but haven’t taken the time to complete it? Have you started updating your website or blog but can’t find the right photos to add to the site, so it remains unfinished? Worse, did a bride ask you for a proposal and you never responded because you didn’t get it done?

As a new wedding planner and business owner, you have probably started a lot of tasks, but unless you finish them, they will always be nagging at you and perhaps causing some sleepless nights. And unfinished projects hold you back from having the success you want.

Here are 5 tips to help you finish what you start:

1) Forget about perfection

I know you, you want everything to be perfect and it causes you a lot of stress, I can be that way too. Let go. Strive for excellence and being the best you can be. You don’t need a perfect grade for a certification. A website and blog can be easily be changed if it isn’t right the first time. If you are not able to put together a proposal you believe is right for a bride, you may need to go back and ask her more questions, but do it right away.

2) Recall why you started the task

For example, why did you start that certification course? Chances are you wanted to not only learn to be a wedding planner, you also wanted a certificate you could show to potential clients, and you wanted to feel a sense of accomplishment. Remembering why you started a project may help you recommit to getting it done.

3) Break the project down into small, quick tasks

If you have a project that might take a few hours or days, or longer, to complete, break it up into smaller tasks that you can finish quickly. This will help you feel a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to finish.

 4) Give yourself a deadline

Schedule the tasks that will lead to the completion of your project, then write down a date in which you can commit to being done. It you are delaying  finishing a wedding planner certification, check the terms of your course, some have a date in which you must complete the course or you don’t get a certification.

5) Plan to celebrate or reward yourself

Always give yourself recognition for the things you accomplish.

If you still can’t motivate yourself to complete a project, it might mean it’s no longer important to you. If so, it’s time to let it go and move on to things that you feel are worthy of your time and energy.