In today's UK Budget, a MAN decided that we should pay tax on Tampons. The tax money raised is going to be spent on charities. Charities that support people who are victims of sexual abuse. So not only are we having to pay the goverment everytime we fail to get pregnant, we also have to fund our own support for sexual abuse. We can afford to give £30K TAX FREE to peers in the house of lords, but we can't afford to let women menstruate without tax? It's wrong, and as a woman, I'm offended, and I KNOW you are too.
Kiran Gandhi ran a marathon to raise funds for a breast cancer charity and was on her period at the time. The runner decided not to wear a Tampon and as she completed the marathon, she was instead criticised for being 'unladylike' and 'unhygienic' rather than praised for completing the race. Kiran said she wanted to raise awareness for Women who don't have access to menstrual products. Little did I realize that in 2017 in the United Kingdom, Women would be taxed on those products. Maybe we should all run (or crawl in my case LOL!) a marathon on our period. Maybe unemployed or underprivileged people won't have the option.
I realize I'm ranting, but I just wanted to say to you, YOU DESERVE BETTER! WE deserve better. I know it's not 1928, but do you think Emmeline Pankhurst would accept it? We have more ways than ever before to have our say. Technology is our friend.
I've set up a hashtag to show Philip Hammond we DON'T accept his Tampon Tax and we WILL rise against it, because we as WOMEN have decided that we deserve better.
The hashtag is:
I'm going to be posting up a LOT of this on social media and retweets go to all of you who get involved. Tag the government, local MP's, Media, influential people, ANYONE! let's just make ourselves heard.
Just FYI, Philip Hammond's Twitter is @PHammondMP and Theresa May's is @TheresaMay_MP
I've designed an image (at the top of the page) feel free to save it and share it.
As Emmeline Pankhurst said;-
Men make the moral code and they expect women to accept it. They have decided that it is entirely right and proper for men to fight for their liberties and their rights, but that it is not right and proper for women to fight for theirs.
If you want to tag me in the tweets then that would be great so I see it on social media and so that anyone knows who to contact in regards to any questions :)
H x