Beauty Tips for a Southern Summer

By Arzoo Sharma @prettynhealthy

If you find yourself caught in the south during the summer, you may be excited about the warm weather and great food, but the humidity and heat here can leave you feeling and looking frazzled.

Whether you're new to the south or just need new tips to manage it, these are the top beauty tips for a gorgeous southern summer.

How to Avoid Oily Skin

Oily skin is something that nobody wants to deal with, but if you're sweating in the south and stressing about travel, or eating more fried food, oil can and will lead to zits. To take care of this, make sure to wash your face every morning and use a toner to even out your skin and remove any excess oils. Also, avoid touching your face with your bare hands throughout the day, and use a clay mask at least once a week.

Keeping Your Hair Smooth

Curly hair is a part of living in the south that nobody talks about: but it's a real problem! If you want to avoid frizz, there's one tip that can help you every single time. Once you've washed your hair, do a cold rinse of it for twenty to thirty seconds. This can be uncomfortable in the shower- but it wakes you up in the morning! Simply rinse your hair out with cold water, and ensure it's conditioned.

From here, allow it to air dry or blow-dry on the cool setting. Not only will this ensure you don't have any frizz, but it'll also give your hair a healthy sheen.

Wear Sunscreen Everywhere

Sunscreen is a must if you're going to be spending more than ten minutes outside at any given time. Sunburns are rough to deal with and far more common in the south because of how much sun exposure people get while they're down here. If you're sensitive to sunlight, and sunscreen isn't quite enough, it's common to bring umbrellas around to block out the sun. Although a classic parasol may look nice, it doesn't do the job as well as a full umbrella while walking around.

Hydrate as Much as Possible

Try to get in as much water as your body needs. Your urine should be light to show that you're hydrated enough. Good hydration will protect you from the heat, keep your skin clear, and will knock out cravings to some degree.

Keep Active In the Early Morning

When you're in the south, it's a good idea to work out early in the morning instead of any other time if you want to keep active. This is the coolest and least humid part of the day, and you'll be able to accomplish far more than you could in the muggy and hot evenings.

Being a Southern Belle Doesn't Have to be Difficult!

Don't worry about looking amazing while you're in the south: it's far easier than many expect! Instead, follow some of these tips, and you'll look incredible in no time.

Beauty Tips for a Southern SummerBeauty Tips for a Southern Summer