Beauty Lurking: Vogue Goes Healthy?

By Aninafish @aninafish

In reaction to public clamor, Stylist reports that 
Vogue vows to not work with models under the age of 16 or those who appear to have an eating disorder. Moreover, Vogue will promote healthy body image and encourage designers, through the sample sizes, they create, to do the same
And the June issue (mostly, summer issues for the west) will be the beginning of this initiative. Click through to Stylist to see everything, but I've chosen the covers which come close to showing a healthy body image. That would be the Olympic themed Vogue US cover and most definitely, Vogue Italia's Isabella Rosellini cover.  *image is from tumblr, i think. but that's a link anyway to a blog i love.  See the full gallery on Posterous

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