Beauty Interview Arianna Muniz

By Gisellstylist @sexy_scissors
Beauty Interview Arianna Muniz 
Beauty Interview Arianna MunizI am excited to do this post. If you know me personally, you know how big of a fan I am of the greatest salsa singer, Marc Anthony. I had the pleasure and opportunity to interview his oldest daughter Arianna Muniz. She is amazing and such a fun teenager. I hope you have fun reading her interview as much as I did!! Thank you again Arianna xo
1. Please tell us a little about yourself (for the ones that do not know) who is Arianna Muniz?
- Typical teenage girl, all about music an friends.LOVES photography and writing music!
2. Before work, what does your beauty preparation consist of? About how long does it take before you walk out the door?
-Straighten my hair or sometimes just put some gel in it if I want to keep it natural. Then just put some make-up on. Take me about 30-45 minutes from start to finish!
3. What makeup and hair product you can not live without, and why?
- BSH Frizz Control! My hair a Florida weather don't mix well!
4. What hair products are in your bath tub right now?
-Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner and silk drops
5.Which product especially are you interested in? Why?
- Anything from the 'Big Sexy Hair' line. Only products I have had success with using!
6. What are three worst products you have ever used?
- Anything from a drug store I have found to be horrible but the Three worst have to be
1) Marc Anthony Strictly Curls Defining Lotion.
2) Frizz-Ease Straightening spray
3) Dove Smooth& Anti Frizz Cream 
7.  During a busy morning, if you pick only one make-up/hair item, which one should you pick?
- My CoverGirl Whipped Creme Foundation.
8.Which hair/makeup items are you carrying in your bag these days?
- Cover girl cover ups, Big Sexy Hair Frizz Control, Lip Gloss, and "Bombshell Intensity Liner" by Lashblast
9. Who do you think the best beauty icon and why? (Doesn’t matter whether alive or not)
- I think Rihanna she has natural beautiful. Beautiful inside an out that's really uncommon now.
10. What salon do you go to for your hair services?
- Aveda Salon, it is also a cosmetology school. I love that the people that goes to their school also work in the salon once they graduate an I really like the techniques they learn an apply while working. Just recently started going their within the last 2years an I have no intentions on leaving!!
11. Do you prefer lips stick or lip gloss? Why?
- I prefer Lip gloss, to me it's all about the shine and I feel that lipstick is a very dull product.
12. Who is your favorite beauty celebrity, and why?
- I truly adore Demi Lovato. She has been through it all an now she is out to talk to young girls to tell that we can be anything we want to be an we are beautiful! Nobody can ever define you of your hopes an dreams.
13. How are you wearing your current hair now? Layers? Side or full bangs? Any hair changes coming soon?
- Currently I'm wearing my hair with layers with a side bang. I do plan on cutting a lot off soon and possibly go with the Blunt Cut still deciding on that!
14. Are you into skin care? if so what are you into and what products are you using?
- Currently I'm into Proactive. Creams, Cleaners and Whips! Best skin care I've ever used!
15. What perfumes do you wear?  
- Beyonce- Heat and Beyoncé- Midnight Heat and Keri Hilson- Imari Seduction
16. What is your favorite quote? (I know, random)  
- Veni, Vidi, Vici. (I Came, I Saw, I Conquered)
17. Are you working on a current project in music? (By the way you sing lovely.)
- Thank you so much, and currently I'm in the mist of writing a song. I'm not big into recording anymore.
18. What is your current favorite TV shows?
-'How I Met Your Mother' an 'Greys Anatomy' and 'American Horror Story'
19. If you can give a makeover to a celebrity right now, who would it be, and why?
- I would choose Lady Gaga, she is very out there and I truthfully haven't seen a look that she hasn't been able to pull off!
20.  Would you want to share your social links such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, twitter, YouTube etc.?
Thank you readers,