Confession time people… back in the day I was a picker (and sometimes I revisit these bad habits)… literally whether it’s my boyfriend, roommates, friend, or mother- once people see me start to pick, they always slap my hands away. I don’t know why I do/did it, but I do know this bad habit left me with a few nasty little reminders. Acne scars are a result of picking, which is always a great reminder to keep my hands off my face… yet I would much rather them not be there at all.
Back in the day I was bedridden with a nasty cold, and my roommate recommended I take a shot of apple cider vinegar, I did as I was told and the next day I felt TONS better. Since then I have done research about the endless benefits of ACV. It helps you lose weight as it makes you feel full and helps to break down fat, it is a great way to detox your bod, it helps kill any bacteria that makes you sick, it gives you a boost of energy, and most importantly- it helps to reduce fine lines, acne scars, and various skin issues.
Since I have been on the search for a way to fade my acne scars, I decided to test this stuff out. I have been using it for about 2 weeks and already I see a difference. I wake up with my skin clear, glowing, and looking better than ever- so good that I can even leave the house sans make-up.
( Apply this stuff each night and let air dry… but beware, it smells a little funky!! )