Beauty Bares All Tag

By Dorkchops @dorkchopsworld

1. Spring, summer, winter, or fall?
Definitely spring for me! I love wearing dresses and I enjoy warm weather that isn’t too humid. =)

2. What does your ideal date notice and compliment you on?
Probably just that I simply look nice to be honest! It shows that they’ve noticed I’ve put in the effort to look good and presentable!

3. Would you rather give up lipstick, hair products, or mascara for an entire year?
Probably hair products! I really rarely use them anyway! If anything, I only use heat protectant on occasion. =P

4. If you could leave just one message for the world to hear, what would that message be?
This is so tough, I’ve never really thought about it before. It would probably be something along the lines of, “always keep pursuing whatever your heart desires no matter what anyone says and no matter the circumstances because no hard work goes unpaid”. I guess it’s a really cliche message but I think it’s really important!

5. A genie appears and offers you a wish. What one beauty task would you never perform again?
Doing my brows! If I could have flawless brows, that would be amazing haha.

6. You have two options: money or happiness? Additionally: infinite wardrobe or flawless face?
Definitely happiness! More money, more problems. =P And to be honest, just being simply and genuinely happy is the best feeling in the world. I don’t know who else would be on the same side of this with me but I would actually probably prefer a flawless face!

7. Are you a tea lover, a coffee hound, or a fan of something stronger?
I’m definitely 100% a tea lover. I love drinking green tea daily, even more so now because it’s getting colder here!

8. Have you had a “perfect day”, and what did it entail?
Wow, this is so tough. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever really had a “perfect day” before. (Sorry for the super disappointing answer!)

9. What do you splurge on the most?
Definitely lip products. I just can’t get enough of them and it’s a problem!

10. I have not lived until I’ve seen _____!
Disneyland. I really need to go there right now!

11. What are you guilty of doing when nobody’s watching?
Dance! LOL I think dancing is really fun but I’m definitely not the best at it and wouldn’t want anyone to see. =O

I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve done a tag, I had a huge phase of posting so many different ones before! =P I missed posting these and I always receive such positive responses from them so I hope you enjoyed this one too! =)