The really sweet Ann from Help Stuck gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award last month. Thanks Ann! In accordance to the rules, I have to list 7 random facts and pass on to 15 other bloggers.
1. I am qualified to teach Piano but I have not touched a piano in years. I learned it when I was a kid but I never really liked it.
2. I absolutely love romantic comedies.
3. I CANNOT dance to save my life. I have never tried to and will never try.
4. I am short. I am only about 158 cm.
5. I absolutely hated Sydney when I lived there. So much so that everytime Husband & I set foot in Sydney, we shudder and say to each other we are so happy to have moved away. (sorry, no offence Sydney-siders. Just a personal experience which was influenced by the area I lived in, the people I knew etc)
6. My first ever video-taped gig was hosting my Kindergarten's Annual Concert in a conference theatre. I was 6 and had to memorize all my lines for the entire event.
7. Someone put really red lipstick on me for that event and my mum said I kept complaining that I couldn't speak clearly as I didn't feel comfortable moving my lips because there was "something" on them.
Here are the bloggers I tag (the ones I can think of for now!)
Mishelle Sleepy Time
Beautifully Glossy
Allie @ A Day In A Joyful Life
Gia @ Lovely Serendipity
Jasmine @ Sweetaholic Beauty
Abigail @ Shrinking Wallet
Leslie @ Bravenezz
Thanks Ann for tagging me! I love doing tags; they're so much fun!