Beansprout Illustrated Canvas Pouches | Travel Make-Up Picks, Hong Kong OCT.2012

By Blessmybag @blessmybag

In just a few hours I’ll be boarding a plane to Hong Kong and I recently discovered some really helpful and cutely illustrated organizing pouches at Aura Athletica (of all places).  The standout of the set of 6 pouches I got was of course this cosmetic candidate, the “Prettify” pouch which had me going “Aww” to myself like a nut in the store. 

The drawings are well done with nice strokes and also well printed/silk screened.  I like having pouches like these in my bag better than “bag organizers because even if you can’t see everything your bag looks so neat and unlike the bag organizer when these come out of the bag they still help you out by being indicative and are easier to transfer to different bags.  A good bonus is these are washable, just don’t bleach them (if you do the illustrations will fade and so will the nice natural canvas shade).  I have just used this to keep together the main cosmetic items I’ve chosen to bring with me on my trip.

I did mention that I got a set of 6 pouches and they’re all…what’s that non-word “Adorbs” *narrows eyes, flares nostrils*.  What I didn’t mention yet was that all 6 of these together only cost Php450.  Yes, Php450 for all 6: Go Places, Prettify, My Gadgets, Survival Kit, Forget Me Nots, and My Tools.  What do you think?  I know see through functionality