The Compassion Ninja code:
- I set my compass for compassion – Before you head out to your holiday gathering, take a few moments to sit quietly and set your intention for the day. Will you carry compassion in your heart? Will you remain nonreactive? Will you focus on the love in the room? Whatever you choose is fine, just set your compass in that direction before you go.
- I will stay calm and nonreactive – Remind yourself that your response is your choice. Don’t be goaded into joining arguments you don’t want to join…the choice is always yours. Simply saying “I love you too much to argue,” or smiling and changing the topic can slide you past an argument that you just don’t need to have.
- Breathe – Before, during and after the party. Breathing gives us a chance to pause. It starts a physiologic process that helps keep us calm and focused.
- I am human – Remind yourself that you are part of the human race…at this very moment you are a member of a larger group of compassion ninjas ready to face misbehaved family members!
- I will hold onto my joy – don’t take anything too seriously. Have fun and enjoy your holiday! When we let ourselves get too worked up in anticipation of upset, upset is just what will find. So focus on what you love and enjoy about your family and friends…and love and laughter is what you will find.
- I will practice compassion – Try starting your day with a simple, brief compassion meditation. The more you practice, the more the neural networks in your brain change, allowing you a quicker, easier, more automatic compassionate outlook…kinda like going to the brain gym!
Try this brief 7 minute guided meditation on for size:
Here’s hoping your holiday season is filled with the light of compassion and loving kindness.
Let your intuition be your guide,
Sari Roth-Roemer, Ph.D.
To find out more about upcoming events including the December 18th workshop on Learning to Set Healthy Boundaries…the secret to happiness: