Bastien Gonzalez began his global launch of BGA InSoles at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, as he sets off around the globe this innovative Pedi:Mani:Cure guru brought together a select group of media at The Oriental Spa to demonstrate his new concept. BGS InSoles are derived from extensive podiatric research and designed to bring comfort, reduce skin problems and prevent foot deformities. My husband usually has his insoles made for him through a podiatrist in Australia taking around ten days to complete, and it seems a very simple process for him.
Bastien Gonzalez international sole man launches at Landmark Mandarin Oriental HK
Bastien Gonzalez international sole man launches at Landmark Mandarin Oriental HK
Sitting and listening to Mr. Gonzalez that morning in The Oriental Spa, I realized both my husband and I had been completely ill informed about having the correct insoles made for your feet. “Each foot is unique; it has its morphology and complexity. Feet support body weight and its daily impact, and therefore this need particular and professional attention,” said Mr. Gonzalez.
Bastien Gonzalez international sole man launches at Landmark Mandarin Oriental HK
These custom made in soles will fit all types of shoes, BGA InSoles distribute all pressure precisely on the sole, an important aspect is that BGA InSoles offer protection apart from comfort. They are thermoformed and personalized to fit your shoe. In other locations when you have insoles made there is a measurement taken, the measurements are sent to a central location where a standard insole is made with standard amendments to some of your needs.
Bastien Gonzalez international sole man launches at Landmark Mandarin Oriental HK
Bastien Gonzalez international sole man launches at Landmark Mandarin Oriental HK
However here at The Oriental Spa, Albin Brion who is well known in Hong Kong for his Bastien Gonzalez ‘Hero’ Treatments takes his clients through a personalized BGA InSoles fitting that involves a foot massage so that the feet are relaxed for the fitting. Then the feet are measured when standing and walking with a Podobarascope and Pressure Platform, moving onto a sand filled mat Feet Print to diagnose the proper weight bearing positions.
Bastien Gonzalez international sole man launches at Landmark Mandarin Oriental HK
Then the BGA InSoles are heated and placed on the foot print, so that when you return for new BGA InSoles your measurements are already stored and reordering is very easy. Speaking with Jessica Chong Director of Public Relations on start dates, she informed us that “BGA InSoles exclusive offer at The Oriental Spa at The Landmark Mandarin Oriental includes made-to-measure service and production completed within 7 days.” Available from February 2015 onwards, for pre-ordering and enquiry, please contact The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong , The Oriental Spa on +852 2132 0011.