Bare 5 Coffee

By Kyle Knapp @Kyleknapp5

Coffee is pretty amazing when it comes down to it. Consumed for centuries, revered across the world and pretty much the easiest way to mask/make up for/power through the lack of sleep we all have each day. It’s one of the most widely drank beverages on the planet but has become controversial as of late because although it has been used for a long, long time and believed to have many benefits it has also been criticized for a number of reasons. One of these days I will break down coffee in detail (because I have quite a bit to say on the topic) and add it to the Rethinking Health paradigm, but for the purposes of this article, let’s just say the following three things, 1) I like drinking it, 2) I don’t think it’s bad for you and 3) I think that if treated correctly it can be a nice part of life…