Band & The Beat, the dream pop synth side-project by Tracy Shedd and James Tritten, have put up the stems for their Straight and Narrow single:
Band & The Beat want you to make your own music, using their music! Band & The Beat have made all of the audio stems from their two Digital 45 releases available on their Bandcamp page for free download (or make a donation if you like).Live dates:
"What are 'audio stems'?," you ask. Basically they are separated tracks of each key section of the song (e.g. drums, bass, synths, leads, vocals, etc.). Anyone can download these files, and then import them into a DAW program and remix the tracks to make their own version of each track.
Send any remixes directly to Fort Lowell Records: Then, all remixed songs will be featured on Band & The Beat's own Soundcloud page for everyone to enjoy.
- 05/08 Carrboro, NC @ Cat's Cradle
- 05/23 Raleigh, NC @ Neptune's Parlour
HCTF review of Straight and Narrow.