Balding: A Hairy Issue

By Mythreesearches

With age comes wisdom.  If this is the case, shouldn’t we embrace all signs of age – whether they manifest themselves emotionally or physically?

Whether or not we should, there are certain developments both males and females cannot help but cringe at when they appear (ie: wrinkles & gray hair).  But recently, I have discovered one way in which age manifests itself physically that affects men more than I believe it does women.

I have been blessed with a full head of long brown hair.  My new manfriend also has brown hair.  I’m just not sure he has quite as much as I do.  I recently discovered that, for him, this is quite the issue.  It’s interesting that to a woman, or at least to me, a man loosing a little bit of hair can be perceived as a sign of wisdom and maturity but to him can be something so negative.  If anything, his hair makes me feel like I could be in a mature (almost adult) relationship.  If only I could make him believe me when I tell him I love his hair regardless of how much (or little) there may be.



P.S. No need to worry, I made sure to get his permission before writing this post