Avocados are loaded full of what magazines like to call ‘healthy fats’, as well as a decent amount of dietary fiber as well (27g per 100g). The good fats are well known to be exceptional boosts for your hair, skin, fingernails, training results and broader wellbeing. In a strange turn of events, you don’t need to eliminate fat to lose weight – in fact, your body very much needs fats to perform a range of functions, including repair, development, and repair of tissue (specifically, think muscle cells!). These fats also enable our bodies to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins found in our food; without the requisite fats in the diet, one can quite easily develop a deficiency in these (Vitamins A,D,E and K). Last but not least, fat provides crucial energy, which the body can store for use in its next burst of exercise, and every 1 gram of fat will provide 9 calories of energy. See below for the ingredients and ‘how to’…
INGREDIENTS: (Serves two)
1. 1 x Large Avocado (two halves)
2. 2 x Free Range Eggs
3. 100g Oak Smoked Salmon
4. Sprinkling of Goats Cheese
5. Herb of choice – coriander/basil/parsley/dill…
6. Chili flakes, pink salt & pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
2. Start by halving the avocado and taking out the seed. I stick my knife into the seed, twist it, and it comes out pretty easily!
3. Pop the avocado halves onto a tinfoil/baking sheet, in a baking tray.
4. Crack an egg and place the contents within the avocado’s hollow, as well as the salmon and goats cheese. Sprinkle some chilli flakes and pepper on top.
5. Pop it all into the pre-heated oven and let it bake for 10-15 minutes.
6. Add the fresh herbs on top and devour! Faya x