Backpacker Shares Their Favorite Tents of 2017

Posted on the 05 April 2017 by Kungfujedi @Kungfujedi
A few days ago I posted a story from Popular Mechanics that shared their picks for the 7 best camping and backpacking tents. Not to be outdone, Backpacker magazine has also shared their thoughts on the subject, publishing their selection for the 12 best tents of 2017 instead. And since it is time for spring hiking and camping outings, I thought it would be a good time to take a look at their suggestions.
In testing these new shelters, Backpacker called in a large group of testers. All told, 31 people participated in the tent test, spending 247 nights outdoors and hiking 1029 total miles. Along the way, one tester faced 55 mph (88 km/h) winds, while others spent 4 consecutive nights in the rain. One even camped above 11,500 ft (3505 meters) in an effort to put these tents through their paces. In other words, the selection of the top tents was no small affair, and the list is definitely comprised of the best camp shelters available today.
So, which tents made the cut? As usual, I won't spoil the entire list, but will share a few of interest. For instance, Cotopaxi's Techo 3 and Inti 2 both earned a spot on Backpacker's rundown, which is a strong showing for a company that just introduced its first models. REI's updated Quarter Dome 2 also got the nod, as did the Big Agnes Copper Spur UL2.
This is just a small sampling of the tents that made the cut and there are 8 others for you to discover as you look through Backpacker's list. Which one works best for you probably depends on your individual needs and budget, but in reality you probably can't go wrong with any of the options here. Obviously the team of testers really put these tents through the ringer, and as a result you can bet that these are the best new options on the market at the moment.
If you're ready to go shopping for a new tent this spring, do yourself a favor and give this story a look. Chances are, you'll discover some new choices you didn't even consider and you might end up with a better hiking shelter than you first thought.